
Existing Citations

  • open data : Open data has many roots and many branches. Different groups have come together to advocate for Open Government Data based on the potential for it to lead to: -More efficient and effective government – both through government using its own data better, and through innovators outside of government identifying improved ways to provide public services, meeting the diverse needs of citizens through digital technologies; -Innovation and economic growth – acting as a 21st Century infrastructure, and a raw material, for activity in the information economy. Start-ups and established businesses can use open data to generate new products and services, and secure efficiencies, generating a net-gain for country economies; -Transparency and accountability – allowing citizens and civil society to see, understand and monitor better what their governments and the private sector are doing, challenging corruption or unaccountable activity, and finding opportunities to influence policy and practice; -Inclusion and empowerment – enabling marginalised groups to get involved in the political process, and removing imbalances of power created through information asymmetry. (†310)
  • open government data : It doesn’t just matter that governments are publishing data: it matters what that data is. Whilst countries may boast of the hundreds of datasets they have published online, if these are not the data demanded by citizens, or the kinds of data that can enable transparency, accountability, innovation and greater inclusion, then there may be little potential for an OGD [open government data] initiative to deliver impact. (†331)