Gingrich & Morris 2006 (†358)
Gingrich, Laurie L., and Brian D. Morris. “Retention and Disposition of Structured Data: The Next Frontier for Records Managers." The Information Management Journal, Mar/Apr (2006).
Existing Citations
- structured data (p. 31): [S]tructured data is defined as data stored in fields and rows in tables of a relational database.... Examples would include databases containing accounting and financial data, customer data, and personnel data. (†348)
- unstructured data (p. 31): Unstructured electronic records consist of electronic information created or obtained by end users where the information is not stored in tables in a relational database system. Unstructured records in a typical organization would include emails, word processing documents, spreadsheets, presentations and graphics – documents mostly created by individual users from desktop applications. Unstructured records would also include Adobe PDF files and electronic captures of facsimiles as well as other image files. (†347)