
  • OED Web 2018 (†401)

    Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd web ed. (Oxford University Press, 2018).


Existing Citations

  • attestation (s.v. "attest"): n. ~ 1. Evidence, testimony, witness. – 2. Attesting signature, attestation.
    – 1a. To bear witness to, affirm the truth or genuineness of; to testify, certify. – 1b. formally (a) by signature, (b) by oath. – 2. of things: To be evidence or proof of, testify to, vouch for. – 3. To bear witness, testify to. (†866)
  • attestation (s.v. "attestation"): n. ~ 1a. The action of bearing witness; the testimony borne; evidence, proof. – 1b. Formal testimony or confirmation by signature, oath, etc.; esp. the verification of the execution of a deed or will by the signature of the testator in the presence of witnesses. (†867)
  • audit (s.v. "audit"): 2. Official examination of accounts with verification by reference to witnesses and vouchers. . . . (Draft addition January 2002). Business · An evaluation (esp. by formal, systematic review) of the effectiveness of the management, working practices, and procedures of a company or other professional body, usually conducted by independent auditors or external consultants. Also: the practice of carrying out such investigations at regular intervals or as part of a continuous process. (†874)
  • availability : 1. a. The quality of being available; capability of being employed or made use of. – available ~ Capable of being employed with advantage or turned to account; hence, capable of being made use of, at one's disposal, within one's reach. (†1507)
  • big data (s.v. "big data"): big data (also with capital initials) ~ n., Computing data of a very large size, typically to the extent that its manipulation and management present significant logistical challenges; (also) the branch of computing involving such data. (†205)
  • confidence : 1. The mental attitude of trusting in or relying on a person or thing; firm trust, reliance, faith. – 2. a. The feeling sure or certain of a fact or issue; assurance, certitude; assured expectation. – 6. The confiding of private or secret matters to another; the relation of intimacy or trust between persons so confiding; confidential intimacy. (†1714)
  • crowdsourcing (s.v. "crowd sourcing"): Pronunciation: Brit. /ˈkraʊdˌsɔːsɪŋ/ , U.S. /ˈkroʊdˌsɔ(ə)rsɪŋ/ ¶ Etymology: < crowd n.3 + sourcing n. at source v.1 Derivatives, after outsourcing n. Compare crowdsource v. ¶ The coinage is generally attributed to Jeff Howe in Wired (see quot. 2006); slightly earlier appearances of the term online are apparently derived from Howe's article, which was in circulation prior to the issue date of the magazine: ¶ 2006 Valleywag (Nexis) 25 May, ‘Unskilled labor’ gets a makeover–‘Crowdsourcing’ is sexy and totally not an idea as old as serfdom! ¶ The practice of obtaining information or services by soliciting input from a large number of people, typically via the Internet and often without offering compensation. ¶ 2006 J. Howe in Wired June 179/1 The rise of crowdsourcing... Smart companies in industries as disparate as pharmaceuticals and television discover ways to tap the latent talent of the crowd... It's not outsourcing; it's crowdsourcing. ¶ 2007 Financial Times 10 Jan. 12/1 Crowdsourcing allows companies to tap the skills and knowledge of internet users to carry out discrete tasks, generate valuable new ideas or solve specific business problems. ¶ 2010 Sci. Amer. (U.K. ed.) Apr. 9/2 Web-based scientific collaborations and even ‘crowdsourcing’ are now common. ¶ 2012 A. Crowe Disasters 2.0 xi. 213 ABC acknowledged that since their correspondents and reporters . . . could not be everywhere, there was a strong need to utilizing crowdsourcing to fill information gaps about the event. (†206)
  • governance (s.v. "governance"): 1 b. Controlling, directing, or regulating influence; control, sway, mastery. – 3. The manner in which something is governed or regulated; method of management, system of regulations. (†901)
  • governance (s.v. "govern (v.)"): 1.a. To rule with authority, esp. with the authority of a sovereign; to direct and control the actions and affairs of (a people, a state or its members), whether despotically or constitutionally; to rule or regulate the affairs of (a body of men, corporation); to command the garrison of (a fort). – 2.a. To sway, rule, influence (a person, his actions, etc.); to direct, guide, or regulate in conduct or actions. (Said of persons: also of motives, etc.) – 3. To hold sway, prevail, have predominating or decisive influence. (†967)
  • liability (s.v. "liability"): 1. The condition of being liable or answerable by law or equity. – 2. The condition of being liable or subject to something, apt or likely to do something. – 3. That for which one is liable; esp. pl. the debts or pecuniary obligations of a person or company. (†1363)
  • liability (s.v. "liable"): adj. ~ 1.a. Law · Bound or obliged by law or equity, or in accordance with a rule or convention; answerable – 3.a. Exposed or subject to, or likely to suffer from (something prejudicial); in older use with wider sense, †subject to the operation of (any agency), likely to undergo (a change of any kind). (†1364)
  • retention (s.v. retention): 3. a. The action of holding something fast or keeping something fixed in a place or position; the fact or property of being kept, or remaining, in place. 4. a. The action or fact of keeping something in one's own hands or under one's own control; continued possession of something. (†1022)
  • threat (s.v. "threaten"): 1. To press, urge, force; – 2. a. To try to influence (a person) by menaces; to utter or hold out a threat against; to declare (usually conditionally) one's intention of inflicting injury upon (in quot. 1816, one's certainty that some specified injury will fall upon); to menace. (†1357)
  • trust (s.v. "trust"): n. ~ 1 a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.
    – v. ~ 2.a. (trans.) To have faith or confidence in; to rely or depend on. – 4. To give credence to, believe (a statement); to rely upon the veracity or evidence (of a person, etc.) – 5. To commit the safety of (something) with confidence to a place, etc., to or with a person; to entrust; to place or allow (a person or thing) to be in a place or condition, or to do some action, with expectation of safety, or without fear of consequences. – 6. To invest with a charge; to confide or entrust something to the care or disposal of. (†449)