
  • OED Concise 10th (†440)

    Concise Oxford English Dictionary – 10th ed. (Oxford University Press, n.d.).

Existing Citations

  • access : 1. n. ~ 1. the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place. > the right or opportunity to use something or see someone – 2. retrieval of information stored in a computer’s memory – 3. an attack or outburst of an emotion: an access of rage –
    — v. ~ 1. gain access to; make accessible. > Computing · obtain, examine, or retrieve (data) – 2. approach or enter (a place). (†1414)
  • anonymous (s.v. "anonymous"): adj. ~ 1. Not identified by name; of unknown identity – 2. Having no individual or unusual features. (†588)
  • class (s.v. "class"): A set or category of things having some property in common and differentiated from others by kind or quality. (†2500)
  • clearance : Official authorization for something to proceed or take place. (†1859)
  • collection : 1. The action or process of collecting (bring or gather together). – 2. A group of things collected or accumulated. (†2467)
  • declassification (s.v. "declassify"): Officially declare (information or documents) to be no longer secret. (†2009)
  • disclosure : v. make (secret or new information) known; expose to view. (†2699)
  • disintermediation (s. v. "disintermediation"): Reduction in the use of intermediaries between producers and consumers, e.g. by involvement in the securities market directly rather than through a bank. (†2624)
  • evidence (s.v. "evidence"): Information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. – Law Information used to establish facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in a law court. (†2635)
  • extraterritorial (s.v. "extraterritorial"): 1. Situated or valid outside a country’s territory. – 2. Denoting the freedom of embassy staff from the jurisdiction of the territory of residence. (†2640)
  • good faith (s.v. "good faith"): Honesty or sincerity of intention. (†766)
  • harm : n. ~ Physical injury, especially that which is deliberately inflicted. – Material damage. – Actual or potential ill effect. ¶ v. ~ physically injure. – have an adverse effect on. (†1853)
  • oversight : 1. An unintentional failure to notice or do something. – 2. The action of overseeing. [s.v. 'oversee': supervise] (†2647)
  • privacy (s.v. "privacy"): A state in which one is not observed or disturbed by others. (freedom from public attention.) (†641)
  • profession : A paid occupation, especially one involving training and a formal qualification (†2705)
  • redaction : 1. The process of editing text for publication. – 2. A version of a text. (†2670)
  • reliability (internet) (s.v. rely): 1 depend on with full trust. – 2 be dependent on. (†2691)
  • retrieval (s.v. "retrieve"): 1. Get or bring back. – 3. Find or extract (information stored in a computer). (†2651)
  • risk (s.v. "risk"): n. ~ 1. A situation involving exposure to danger. (the possibility that something unpleasant will happen.) – 2. A person or thing causing a risk or regarded in relation to risk: a fire risk.
    – v. ~ 3. Expose to danger or loss. (act in such a way as to incur the risk of. Ø incur risk by engaging in (an action). (†631)
  • threat (s.v. "threat"): A person or thing likely to cause damage or danger. > The possibility of trouble or danger. (†1346)