Chun et al., 2010 (†471)
Chun, S. A., Shulman, S., Sandoval, R., and Hovy, E. "Government 2.0: Making connections between citizens, data and government." Information Polity 15, no.1 (2010): 1-9.
Existing Citations
- social media (2): 'Web 2.0 Technologies" refer to a collection of social media through which individuals are active participants in creating, organizing, editing, combining, sharing, commenting, and rating Web content as well as forming a social network through interacting and linking to each other. The Web created using these social media is called Web 2.0 or Social Web. The Web 2.0 technologies include blogs, wikis, social networking hubs, (e.g., Facebook, MySpace), Web-based communication modes (e.g., chatting, chat groups), photo-sharing (e.g., Flickr), video casting and sharing (e.g., YouTube), audiosharing (e.g. podcasts), mashups, widgets, virtual worlds, microblogs (e.g., Twitter), social annotation and bookmarking of Web sites, and many more. (†666)
- social network (3): “A Web-based tool or model that allows individuals to meet and form a virtual community through socializing via different relationships, such as friendships and professional relationships, sharing and propagating multi-media information, exchange interests and communicating.” (†667)
- web 2.0 (2): ““Web 2.0 Technologies” refer to a collection of social media through which individuals are active participants in creating, organizing, editing, combining, sharing, commenting, and rating Web content as well as forming a social network through interacting and linking to each other. The Web created using these social media is called Web 2.0 or Social Web. The Web 2.0 technologies include blogs, wikis, social networking hubs, (e.g., facebook, myspace), Web-based communication modes (e.g., chatting, chat groups), photo-sharing (e.g., flickr), video casting and sharing (e.g., youtube), audiosharing (e.g. Podcasts), mashups, widgets, virtual worlds, microblogs (e.g., twitter), social annotation and bookmarking of Web sites, and many more.” (†668)