
Existing Citations

  • data governance : The kinds of policies that Data Governance cares about include: · Data transparency. What data do we have in the enterprise, where is it, and how is it secured. · Data lineage. What is the system of record for various types of data, how does it move between systems, and what transformations were applied in the process. · Data Quality. What rules can be applied systematically in the capture, monitoring, and measurement of data assets. · Service Levels. What are the required service levels for the timeliness of data delivery or synchronization between copies of the data · Data Security. How can data be kept secure regardless whether it is controlled by an application system, copied to a test or training database, or stored in the cloud. · Change Impact. What is the impact to existing and historical data and data processes if a given system change is implemented. · Data Ownership. Who is accountable for maintaining and operating the data stores, whether they are stand-alone copies or linked to a production application. (†906)
  • information governance : The kinds of policies that Information Governance cares about include: · Appropriate use. How should, or shouldn’t, certain types of information be used by employees, customers, and partners. · Business value. Are we effectively taking advantage of and deriving value from intelligence derived from data. · Information meaning. What are the agreed-upon definitions of things like “active customer”, “customer relationship”, or “risk weighted assets”. · Information Life-cycle. What are the rules about acquiring new information, how long should information be retained, and when should it be purged. · Information Ownership. Who is the process owner for creating and maintaining the various types of information. (†907)