Gens 2008 (†582)
Gens, Frank. "Defining 'Cloud Services' and 'Cloud Computing'" IDC Exchange blog (IDC, 23 September 2008).
Existing Citations
- cloud computing : An emerging IT development, deployment and delivery model, enabling real-time delivery of products, services and solutions over the Internet (i.e., enabling cloud services) (†1145)
- cloud service : Consumer and Business products, services and solutions that are delivered and consumed in real-time over the Internet (†1146)
- cloud service : Surveying the wide range of cloud offerings, here are eight attributes that...define the new generation of commercial cloud services, and provide the basis for those benefits: offsite [and] provided by third-party provider, accessed via the internet, minimal/no IT skills to "implement," provisioning, pricing, user interface, system interface, and shared resources/common versions. These attributes, together, make business and consumer cloud services easier and cheaper - and often better - to consume than through traditional delivery modes. These attributes lower costs (for customers and suppliers), speed and simplify access, speed and fine-tune provisioning (in line with true demand/usage), greatly increase the number and variety of available services (thanks to lower development and deployment costs and standards), and improve the potential to integrate. (†1147)