
  • Olufon, et al. 2014 (†638)

    Olufon, Tope, Carlene E-A Campbell, Stephen Hole, and Kapilan Radhakrishnan. "Mitigating External Threats in Wireless Local Area Networks" International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 6:3 (Dec 2014), p.200-216.

Existing Citations

  • denial of service (p.206): Often times, when people think of wireless security, they think in terms of preventing unauthorized access. However an attacker's objective may not be to obtain access to the network, but instead, to destabilise it. A variation of this was carried out in the preceding section. It is of utmost importance that security professionals do not make the potentially costly mistake of neglecting other aspects of wireless security, case in point being DoS attacks. As of this writing, it is not possible to prevent denial of service attacks, as the bands on which WLANs operate on are unlicensed, therefore anyone can connect to them. However, it is possible to detect denial of service attacks with an IDS (Intrusion Detection System). (†1440)