
Existing Citations

  • big data : The term "big data" is itself a relative term, boiling down essentially to "anything that's so large that you couldn't manually inspect or work with it record by record." (†1995)
  • data exhaust : If big data is "primary" data that relates to the core function of your business, data exhaust is secondary data, or everything else that's created along the way. (†1994)
  • data exhaust : The term "big data" is itself a relative term, boiling down essentially to "anything that's so large that you couldn't manually inspect or work with it record by record." In general, data exhaust tends to be even bigger, primarily because there are few limits on what a company can collect. (†1996)
  • data exhaust : Data exhaust can be enormously useful. In that bank example, for instance, knowing where consumers conduct most of their transactions can help the bank do a better job. ¶ "It's not core to the transaction, but it can still be hugely relevant to servicing customers at a better level. It provides a level of understanding and contextualization to that primary transaction or service that's increasingly desired by customers." ¶ Data exhaust can contain important elements of information that you may not be looking for today but that could prove useful in the future. (†1997)