
  • ISO TC307 (Japan). 2017 (†857)

    ISO TC307 (Japan). 2017. "Blockchain and electronic distributed ledger technologies–Terminology and concepts," unpublished submission, 2017.

Existing Citations

  • block (s.v. "3.5 block" ; p.9): data container used by blockchain. (†2391)
  • blockchain (p.8): a group of transactions self-secured by connected hashes (3.4) in a distributed network (3.9). (†2388)
  • consensus mechanism (s.v. "3.1 Consensus algorithm" ; p.9): method of data synchronization for transaction data processing among participating nodes (3.8). · Note 1 to entry: implementation for this item contains concepts such as “Proof of Work”, “Proof of Stake”, etc. (†2395)
  • digital signature (s.v. "3.3 digital signature"): cryptographic transformation of data which, when associated with a data unit, provides the services of origin authentication and data integrity and may support signer non-repudiation. [SOURCE: ISO 15782-2:2001, 3.20] (†2390)
  • hash function (s.v. "3.4 hash" ; p.8): mathematical function that maps values from a larger set of values into a smaller set of values, reducing a long value into a shorter hashed value. [SOURCE: ISO/IEC 14776-261:2012, 3.1.80] (†2389)
  • ledger (s.v. "3.6 ledger" ; p.9): a type of chronologically ordered blocks. · Note 1 to entry: each block is singly-linked with forthcoming block by cryptographic method, i.e. hash. (†2392)
  • node (s.v. "3.8 node" ; p.9): entity coordinating medium access with other nodes. · Note 1 to entry: node may have all or partial data from ledger. · Note 2 to entry: the entity may be physical or logical device. · Note 3 to entry: node may have special role such as centralized coordinator. (†2394)
  • nonce (s.v. "3.7 nonce" ; p.9): a nonrepeating value, such as an increasing counter, a sufficiently long random string, or a timestamp. [SOURCE: ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-15-4:2010, 3.29] (†2393)